Bradley...your liver recipient

Michael...your lung recipient

Michael...your pancreas recipient
Brad- 6 months ago today several lives changed. For those of us who knew you, it was the final time we saw your body in the flesh. We had to accept that you were no longer with us and that you had transitioned onto your final journey. For five other people, it was the gift of a stranger that completely changed their lives. Five human beings that you never knew were given a second chance at life. These people were so sick their bodies were shutting down and time was of the essence. Although we were so heartbroken with losing you, we found solace in knowing your gift of organ donation would in the end be a final tribute so worthy and honorable. We cried countless tears but found hope in knowing that you would live on in the bodies of those you helped.
Saturday we drove down to Hayward with Susan and your family. We had the most wonderful opportunity to meet three of your organ recipients. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel coming into this as I knew the day was already going to be so hard after loosing your Dad but I knew we all needed to be strong for both Susan, your Mom and your family. Like Susan told you, Michael the lung recipient was first. I captured every moment and emotion of Susan and your mom meeting this wonderful man. Seeing Susan hug him so tightly and place her ear so gently on his chest I knew you were there with her. Every breath that man takes is because of you. He was so amazing. Telling us about his struggles with lung disease and how it had disabled him for almost 2 years. The man that used to run marathons was bedridden…forced to use oxygen and stay inside. What kind of life is that? Your lungs have completely given this wonderful man a chance to live again! I finally made my way to him and introduced myself. I couldn't believe how much emotion took over me. I hugged him myself and just listened to him breathe in and out and cried. I told him stories of you and your athletic gift of running and jumping and how lucky he was to have your lungs. I told him of the time you ran and passed all of us chasing some D-boy over on 5th and Mac. I called you the "albino cheetah" and as usual you flashed your million dollar smile and said "fo sho!" Michael told me if he ever had to chase someone down he felt confident he would succeed because of you.
We met Bradley the liver recipient who shared with us his painful pictures of life with jaundice from his liver failure. A quiet and gracious man who was so thankful for your gift. His family was there with him. They too were so thankful that they had the opportunity to share more moments and memories with their loved one. I told Bradley that if he was able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage the first drink he had to have was a Coors Light in honor of you. He told me he hasn’t drank in 20 years. I told him to one day just buy a Coors Light and toast you and keep the can somewhere to remember you with. He chuckled and said he could do that!
Finally we met Michael the pancreas recipient. He and his family were patiently waiting to meet Susan and your family. He has two kids almost the same ages as the girls and boy oh boy are they cuties! He told me he has had diabetes for the last 18 years of his life. Before he received your pancreas he had a kidney transplant. He had been dealing with health issues for many years and your pancreas allowed him to become diabetes free! Can you imagine going to sleep one night with a disease and then wake up without it? He and his family were such wonderful people and his son Jordan was such a police enthusiast! Michael told me that Jordan tells everyone, "A police officer saved my daddy!!!" How special is that? And to boot…. he wants to be a police officer when he grows up. I knelt down and told him, “Because of that special police officer, your daddy will be able to see you grow up and become one someday.”
It was such an amazing day to be there with the other families with whom we had shared a common bond with. Sadly, we were all there because someone we loved and cherished passed away. As hard as it was seeing the slide show with all the pictures of this years donors there was a sense of pride and selflessness. 110,000 people right now are on the waiting list for organ transplants. For some of them, they will die and never receive the second chance they have been waiting for. To Susan and the Moody family...thank you for your final gift of life to those in need. Your decision was not easy and without pain but seeing both Michaels and Bradley alive today because of Brad’s final gift hopefully gave you an overwhelming sense of love that can help you in your healing process. Brad's life force is living in the bodies of those he helped and is ALWAYS in the hearts of those of us who knew and loved him. His legacy as a hero is two fold: First, as the police officer he was in keeping the streets safe and second, as the hero who gave a second chance to those who may have not had much more time.
I felt you today in a way that can not be described. All I know is that I was so honored to be with your family on such a special day. I loved my nametag as it so proudly said “Bradley’s Friend” on it. You are so missed and not a day goes by where you are not fondly thought of and remembered. Thank you so much for your friendship and guidance when I was in need. Look down fondly on us and keep us safe. I miss you…
For 6 months I have not been able to write here. Me at a loss for words???? I remember how many times in your patrol car you slowly turned towards me with that great smirk and the look that said "SHUT UP". Brother, your family has suffered another great loss. It's your turn to show your dad around.
At work, I still tell our stories about ride-alongs and testimony. The DA's and cops ask if we really did those things together. I smile at your abilites and miss you terribly. There were great times, when I was in the helicopter and directed you into the porch, when you testified your first two times as an expert two days in a row and Judge thought you had been an expert for years, "Is Mexico south of Richmond?", taking bites from Rico at the Corp yard while gassing up, "thats not Crack thats a tooth, Crack don't bleed". When you would call me at 1 am to ask if you with a "hypthetical". You were phenominal.
But you were more then a good cop, you were a great dad and husband. I remember you checking in with Susan just to hear her voice and know there were good things still in this world. As a dad we stopped the beer and burgers cause the kids needed you, what better reason?
A great son and brother. The pride you talked about in how much you loved your parents, brother and sister. Those conversations are still private.
Metro, as a professional you were and are the best. You let me move the tape back and taught me how it really was on the streets. I must have a 100 stories and they are all priceless. Rico at the hospital, your arm after K9 school, 4th and Mac, TK, your amazing memory of people, places and things, your pride in Rico. Everyday I use something we worked on together in my cases and I always remember WE worked on it together. I have been told my expert script is used in 7 counties, thanks dude. Funk said it the best and was perfect, I won't even try. That training seminar is coming together, and guess who it will be dedicated to? Everyone should be so lucky to have someone as skilled as you to work with.
But Dude, most of all I remember you as my best friend. We talked about buying land to build your german castle and my roman villa. How many hours did we spend planning that out? The late hours, talking about our families, careers and stuff are some of my best memories. 4th of July and the Dixon FD. I remember meeting you when I was riding with Eric and thinking what a kid. Five years later on Our last ride together you could have gone after those two shooters into that North block alone at 0200, but I remember most of all that you stopped and waited for everyone to get there. When I asked why, you told me cause of family. I'll tell you again, it was at that moment that I knew you were going to be the Best.
Brother, We miss you. You are Loved. Your big goof-ball smile is missed cause you were always able to rise above it, a rare quality Dude, words cannot even start to describe the bond of brotherhood others had with you. But we all thank you for extending that friendship and making us better people. Your friendship left an indelible stain that makes us special becasue we were lucky enough to call you a Friend.
Brother, show you dad around. Catch some old SeaHawk games. Have a Coors Light. And Always remember you did good by your friends and family.
Later Dude.