Bradley Alan Moody - Online Memorial Website

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Bradley Moody
Born in Hawaii
29 years
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Marcy Johnson OPD Mom March 22, 2009
Brad, it is w/ shock and sadness that I ask you to watch over my son's coworkers who are now in heaven w/ you. You have to be their heavenly FTO! Yesterday was a horrible day for OPD. Three fine officers, and a fourth that is on life support and is not going to survive. My son was close friends w/ his 2 SWAT coworkers, was on the callout, and had to retrive their bodies. Dan Sakai was a former canine, like you, when he was a patrol officer. His canine spend an afternoon in our backyard last year while Dan and his wife moved to a new house. They recently had a new baby girl. I just can't believe it, I'm worried for my son and all his coworkers. Please help them w/ their grief. Why is this world so evil sometimes. God bless Mark, Ervin, Daniel and John, may they rest in peace.
Dan Wellhausen RPD #1141 March 22, 2009

Hey has been a very tough day for all of us...Look over us all and especially our brothers in blue at OPD and their families.

I think about you everyday and still miss you like hell brother...

Marcy OPD Mom March 18, 2009
Susan, I was SO sorry when I read your post from today. Obviously, when someone is in need of an organ transplant, they are desperately ill to begin with. I so wish the heart recipient had lived longer, but Brad did give him 3 months he wouldn't have had, and they were precious for his family. Remember, you can't live without the other organs he donated, either, so 3 other people are alive today because of Brad. I know it feels like you are reliving his death again, and I'm so sad about that. Sending you strength and love.
Friend ur loved March 17, 2009
Brad I am on this site every day. Your brother is my very GREAT friend and right now he is trying to be a RPO. I am soooo happy for him, as are all of his friends and family - yet there is still that aprehensive side of this whole thing - PLEASE watch over him as well as, your wife and daughters, Dad, Mom and Sister and the whole RPD and all of the men and women of the Law Enforcment that put their lives on the line every day. You thought you had a big job down here - putting a huge one on you now - we all miss you. We will all be there with you soon - see you in paradise!!!!!!!!
Marcy Johnson OPD Mom February 20, 2009
Dear little Miss Emma, You look so grown up in your big-girl 2 yr old photos! Have a fun birthday party tomorrow! So many people will be there in spirit. I hope your mommy knows just how many people care about your family! I think she does! Someday, when you're old enough to read all these posts, you will realize what a powerful effect your daddy's going to heaven had on so very many people. It's like he had a higher calling. But, just because he had to go from this life, I know he is w/ you, Maddy,and Mommy, and all the other family members, all the time! He will be at your party tomorrow. I hope he gives your mom a sign...seems like he's been pretty good at that!!! Happy, happy birthday, sweet Emma!
a stranger : ) February 16, 2009
Susan, we've never met, however your words have touched me sooooo deeply. I have been separated for some time from my child's father, and ever since Brad's passing I've realized that life is too short and I may still be in time to change things. We've spoken on the phone lately and we even had a "Valentimes" day dinner! I don't know what the future holds for us, but I am excited to find out. God bless you.
Marcy Johnson OPD Mom February 11, 2009

Susan, I've just read your last 2 posts w/ some of my nurse friends @ work. We all cried. Good thing it's the night shift. Please never apologize for your tears or feeling sad. You're still so fresh in the grief process, and Brad was taken so suddenly, you had no time to prepare. Everyone who visits this website has you and the girls in their hearts, even those like me that never met you. I feel like I know you, and it breaks my heart that you are so sad. There is really nothing anyone can say to "make it better", but, as time passes, hopefully you'll be able to think of Brad w/ a smile, and not so many tears.

Brad is a true hero. Even in death, he gave life. Few people ever experience the depth of love you and Brad so obviously shared. That's why I KNOW he sees all your letters here, and is keeping watch over you and the girls. I've read your letters about all the signs he's been sending you. I KNOW he's w/ you, just on a different plane. You will never stop missing Brad, but it will get easier. Just don't think you have to always be strong. You are not weak, you have suffered a great loss, so don't be hard on yourself. I can tell what a wonderful mom you are,  and  that you have good support thru your family and the RPD. Know that many people find solice in this website, and it's truly touched hearts! The photos of you, Brad and the girls are wonderful, thank you for sharing your photos, your memories and your heart. God bless you.

Friend THE GREATEST FANS January 31, 2009

Well as you know Brad this weekend is the biggest game of the year - we all know about You, Your Dad and Jamie going to the Seahawk games - omg wearing your "crazy" masks, being on the Jumbo-tron in Seattle - ( Jamie we need the pic on the gallery) Soo amazing how you 3 loved this so much - brought and still brings so much "heart laughter" to all of us.

We wish you were still here but know that you are HOME and taking care of all of us  -  YOU ARE OUR ANGEL.

God Bless You Brad.

Marcy Johnson OPD Mom January 30, 2009
Brad, please watch over your brothers and sisters in uniform. It is a bad time in the Bay Area to be a peace officer w/ the recent events surrounding the BART shooting. You sounded like a cop's cop, a great guy who loved your job, and helping the community. My son, Casey, Oakland SWAT, has to be on duty early tomorrow due to Meserle's bail hearing. Please let the streets be peaceful, no matter what the judge decides about bail. Also, living in Richmond, I see a lot of RPD squad cars, and yesterday, I saw one w/ a big K27 sticker on the back windshield. Thank you for looking out from above!
BFF seahawks January 30, 2009

Well Brad we all want to see You, Jamie and your Dad at the game with your Seahawk masks on. Oh my Gosh that had to be some of the best days of your life here on earth - with Superbowl coming this weekend and knowing that you love the game so much seems so unfair that ur not here - BUT know that you will watch with us and ROOT for the CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The SEAHAWKS will win it all next year just for you

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