Bradley Alan Moody - Online Memorial Website

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Bradley Moody
Born in Hawaii
29 years
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Saeda Lars "Ya sis from another mother"
Hey Brad.....
As alot of people are, I am sooooo speechless... I too have started this a couple of times and want to say sooooooo much and dont know where we start.... We were the "Lake Berryessa Crew".... Those were the dayssssssssss...... Anyways... This picture that I have enclosed was a picture from my housewarming from Hilltop... and that was one of the many times YOU and SUZY Q have been there for me... I really remember when my cousins passed away and I wasnt going to come to the Lake that day and You Guys DRAGGED me out of the HOUSE... and I thank you for that.... But my most memorable memory that is just from about a week ago... Was when you came into records and that was the first time in 7 yrs you werent smiling... You had your dad on your mind... and I prayed with you... You were also talking about how big Julian is and how time passes by and you cant wait to see the girls get bigger... I have already promised SUZY Q and now I promise you... I will be there for her as long as she lets me... That is my promise to you... I could go on and on but I am started to cry....
Please take care of my Sweetie Lolipop for me and Your Ladybug...
John Goodner
To Brad and Family,

Seems like it was just yesterday when you were on the field catching my dog in hopes of someday getting your own K-9. As with many things in your life, your dedication and perseverance paid off and you and Rico were an awesome team.

Although our paths haven't crossed much in the last few years, memories of K-9 training, house boating, and messaging on the MDC will not be forgotten.

My heart goes out to the family and friends for such a great loss. May your wife someday find comfort for her pain and your children realize that their father was a great man, a true hero, and a dedicated friend.

Peace be with you my friend,

Steve Moawad
To Brad -
        I was always pleased when I went to court on a case that had your name at the bottom of the report because I knew that the case would be thoroughly investigated, the report would be well-written, and you would be eager to do whatever was necessary to ensure that justice was done.  You showed up in court prepared to testify (and even pretended that you were happy to be there) and were always willing to go the extra mile to locate other witnesses, pick up evidence, or do further investigation.  Your constant striving to be a better police officer was as impressive to me as the dedication that you showed. 
         As Aron Deferrari mentioned, I cannot express how much I admire your dedication to the people you served and to the pursuit of justice. I, too, will miss you both professionally and personally. 

I miss you...

Steve Bonini
Your professionalism and dedication were welcomed in the surrounding departments.  From the first time you covered me on a stop on I80, through those mutual assistance calls on the border between our cities, you were always ready and willing to help.  You had a true calling for law enforcement and a dedication beyond most. Rest in peace and watch over all of us.  We might work on different sides of I80, but we are a family and we miss you dearly.  God bless and God bless your family.  - Steve
Tim Cauwels

Hey brother, I worked with you several times in Pablo, and even in my short time here at Pinole.  You were always happy, always eager, and ready to work.  You had the reputation of the hardest working cop out here.  You will be missed.


These times are never easy, just rest now, your journey has ended on this earth, your brothers and sisters in blue will pick up for you, and carry you with them from now on.  Keep a spot for all of us next to you on your new path from here.  You will always be with us, Tim.

Jared Pitts



I had a great time last Sunday, we really showed those whinny little bezzies how to paintball huh?  yeah I know, not really.  I wish we were able to open the Gallery faster, I want to be able to take care of Susan and the girls.  I love them, like I loved you.  You are awesome at everything, its sickenning really.  I remember teasing you on Sunday about your Chester the molester mustache, I guess you're right, you would look pretty strange without it. 


Thank you for being such a good friend, for including me in everything.  Thank you for you and Susan being so awesome and helping out with my wedding.  I had a great time making that trivia movie, I will cherish it forever.


I love you my brother and I will always be there for your family.  Sometimes we don't understand why God chose for things to be the way that they are, hopefully by now he has given you some type of understanding.  Rest In peace, hard to say to soemone who never rested in the first place.


I'll miss you Brad!

Aron DeFerrari



     I don't know what to say.  I don't think anything I can say will do justice to the amount of respect and admiration I have for you as a police officer.  Your courage in the face of adversity never waivered.  Your moral compass always pointed due North, it never strayed and it never faltered. 

     In one of the toughest neighborhoods in one of the most difficult cities in the state you never gave an inch.  It would have been easy to let gradations of right and wrong, shades of grey, affect how you did your job. You didn't.

   To you, the guy holding a dime bag was as worthy of pursuit as the guy holding an ounce; the criminal who shot and missed deserved just as much attention and prosecution as the one who fired a bullet that found its mark.  You held the line everytime with unflagging determination. 

   And at the end of the day, after you made the arrest, wrote a great report, and had shown up for court over and over again (and had a lot of patience with new DDA's), no matter what happened to the case, whether it was a result you agreed with or not, you got back into your car and did your job with the same enthusiasm and integrity that you had done it with the day before, and the day before that. 

     I will miss you as a police officer whose dedication and committment to justice makes you stand out as truly great police.  I will miss you as a man I could rely on inside of the courtroom, and out, time and time again.  

     And, more than that, I will miss you as my friend. 



Aron J. DeFerrari




Chris Tallerico



Like Mitch, I've started to write this many times and havent been able to get through it.  My family and I loved you soooo much...You were like a little brother to me; I always looked forward to our daily chats, our weekend breakfasts and fight nights on Pay-Per-View.  You may be gone but you will NEVER be forgotten...


Our Father, who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name.Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen

Judy Chow

B. Moody, I still can't believe this happened to you. Everytime I think about it, I keep hoping this is just a terrible nightmare that we will all wake up from.


You always had a big smile on your face that brightened up the room whenever you stopped by the DA's office. I will really miss that smile of yours.


My deepest condolences goes out to the Moody family and to the Richmond Police Department.



Lynette Parker-White

Brad you will so very missed. I had the pleasure of meeting Officer Moody on my first ride-along with Officer Funk back in 2002. I went to the Academy and upon being sworn in he approached me and congratulated me. He was always available to help and assist me, with reading reports and answering questions, even when I had competent PTO’s. I was cut lose and transferred to Brad’s team, and true to form he still had my back. He always showed up [to my calls] no matter if he was my assigned cover or not, the badge did not keep him in his assigned beat or district. And that NEVER changed. I had the privilege to ADAM UP with Brad on our weekend swings team and he showed me everything!!!! He was so excited to introduce me to soo many aspects of police work, that whenever I saw him I would call him my honorary PTO. I even got messages from Susan asking me if I was “Overwhelmed yet? He likes to get into everything!”


Brad was one of the few who from the start had faith in me and I admired, appreciated and had all the faith in him. True to form the last time I worked overtime and made a car stop on the Marina Way South, Brad showed up. And as always I said, “Hey I code-4’d right?” And Brad said, “And?” I said, “You’ll never change.” and he snickered. I finished my cite and said, “What’s up PTO?”


Brad was a true man. He loved and respected his family first. He loved his job, and loved life. I could not believe the phone call I received on October 4th 2008.  I take from you so very much. My life will never be the same. Here’s to the best Police Training Officer I ever had.

With my deepest sympathies to all your families, I miss you already and always will.

Love, Officer L. Parker

Stina Johanson

Brad, just recently I heard you on a detail where I could hear the citizen in the back ground.  I share this because you touched so many hearts.  Here is what I heard in the background..."Well right now, I'm looking at Moody's ass up in my attic".  I share this at a time when all our hearst are so heavy. You were always a "hard charger". 


I know that you will always be with us my brother.  It comforts me knowing God holds a special assignment for you in Heaven. 

Mitch Peixoto


I have started this note several times, but just can't get through it...I don't know where to start - I can't believe that you are gone.

As a Canine Officer, you were one of the best!  The way you handled "The Beast"...I mean Rico was amazing. Everyone knows that Rico is a load and not easy to handle, but you never complained and put in countless hours to make sure you were a great team.


I hope you knew how much I appreciated you as a handler and all the work you put in for the K9 Unit. 


As an - it was a joy to watch you work.  I remember the first time I saw you bounce out of the patrol car and chase down some street dealer - he didn't get very far!!  One of the other "citizens" standing in the area said, "Damn look at that whiteboy run!!"  That has brought a smile to my face every time I think about it!


Your dedication to the street crime - dope/guns/ gangs in Central was amazing.    You were the "go to guy" when Central was acting up or when ISB needed help.  Again, I hope you knew how much you were appreciated by myself and the rest of the Homicide Division.


As a friend you were very special.  No matter how bad of a day I would be having your smile would make me smile!  Your smile was a little goofy....but contagious!  No matter how busy you were you always had time for a friend and that is why you were so special.


Brad, your daughters WILL know that you were a HERO - not just as an officer, but a HERO in life!! 


I am going to miss you Brad! 

K Two-Seven will always live on in my memories!! 


Amanda Stewart
Its been many years since I have seen your face! But when I would hear your name what I can remember is a big smile on your face! When you used to play for the Vacaville Bengals and I and your sister jenny cheered for you! I cant believe I didnt get a chance to see you after I have moved back in to town and now I wont get that chance. From reading all these memories on you being a policemen and you being a hero to many people doesnt suprise me, you always had your head in the right direction! You will always be in my heart and your family in my prayers! You wont ever be forgotten!
Wally Jensen


When I got the news Saturday afternoon, I didn't want to believe it.  I had just talked to you Friday afternoon about meeting with you on Saturday and I had lunch with you on Wednesday after covering you on a car stop.  I still can't believe it.  It seems like yesterday when Eddie introduced me to you and I went on my first ride-a-long in Richmond with you showing me around.  I can remember you kept busy getting into anything and everything, we talked about Glocks and when I went home I told my wife that I had the "Bug" and I wanted to work along side you.  I'm glad that I got the chance, I just wish it wasn't so short lived.  I remember when I first hit the street in training, you came up to me and told me, "If you need anything, let me know" and you stayed true to those words.  If I needed help, you were there.  If I had a question, you had an answer or knew where I could find the answer.  You were a GREAT Cop!


I just can't believe it.  It's not going to be the same not hearing your voice, it's not going to be the same when someone gets in a chase or needs a dog.  I'm going to miss you Brad.  I'm going to miss seeing you at work with that big smile, the laugh and hearing the call-sign "K-27."  You will be missed.  I'll see you up in heaven "Big Man."

Mark Hall



I still can not believe that we will never see your smile or hear your laughter.  I already know things are going to be different and I know we as a department are going to be different.  Loosing you is a huge void to the agency.  I did what you wanted me to do, while they were aiding you I rushed Rico to Doc Hans.  After I assured Rico was alright I rushed to the ambulance at S.37th and Cutting, I prayed that you would be alright.  When you stopped breathing in front of me, I became so afraid that you were not coming back, and now my fear is a reality. 


I thank you for everything you taught me and being my friend.  You were a GREAT POLICE OFFICER, there will never be another like you.  I am going to miss our conversations and I am going to miss you each day I work, the laughter and the joking.  I wish I could go back in time and alter the day’s events.  I know you are in heaven, now just watch over your family and let us do the dirty work on earth.  I will see you again in the future until then we miss you and we love you. 


Before I conclude here is a poem I found...

"Final Call" 

An Angel In The Sky Must Leave His Place Of Rest,
Gently Tucking His Wings Beneath His Armored Vest.
For Duty Has Called, There Is Much Work To Do
Little Did He Know, This One Is Dressed In Blue.

Arriving On The Scene, He Knows Just What To Say,
"Follow Me, Fallen Brother, I'll Show You The Way."
"Your Duty Has Ended, Your Work Is Now Through."
"Come Hang Your Hat Beside Mine, I'm A Cop, Too."


John Hugel
Brad,  you're with our fellow officers now.
Say hi to them.
Knowing you, you'll probably get a job protecting the angels.
Take care of yourself "Moodster"
Jared Ney


you have impacted my life in ways that not many people can. I remember dancing to "Baby got Back" on Donna's boat with you and how we had no clue what 36 24 32 meant but we would sing along anyways , and how my brother and i were fascinated with your tatoo and how we were determined to get ones just like it, except our intials werent as cool as yours. I loved the fact that my mom would call you son and you would call her mom and the same for my dad. I cant Express how proud and honored i am to say that you were a Huge part of my life and that now there is a void in my heart which will now be filled with your loving memory. You will always be in my heart and you will never be forgotten.

I love you Bradley Allen Moody

-Love your little Brother


Dylan Ney

Big Brother, I am going to miss you so much, we had some unforgetable times up at the lake. I will never forget when you would teach Jared and I how to dance and how to drive your boat. I remember the first day you got your boat you and I had to drive it all day so it would get broken in. You stopped in the middle of the lake after we got done racing Donna, you asked me if I wanted to drive. I could not believe it, the first day you got your boat you were going to let a 11year old drive your brand new boat. I was so happy. You stood right behind me guiding me on which way to go and how much throttle to give it. I was laughing the whole time on the sound effects you would make  every wake that we  hit I will never forget that day. Also everyday where you made the tattoo of the dog on your arm move I just thought that was the coolest thing. I will never forget you Big brother love very much

Michelle Milam

Great Characters

(for Brad)

I tried to write words
that could do you justice
but they have failed me

my arsenal is empty
the syllables
the punctuation
the vocabulary lists
all frozen in perpetuity

Simple characters won't do.

I tried to write you words,
words that could explain
could hug, and heal
but with lackluster
they've been arraigned
and acquitted.

Simple characters won't do.

all the dazzling metaphors
falling flakes of new snow
and the sizzling similes
searing like hot hopes
the lovely languid images of lighter days
of a man whom the uniform did not wear
he wore the uniform

I could write about your kind smile
that darkly funny sense of humor
that twinkled in your eyes
that brazenly defiant attitude
that refused to be convinced
by the unconvincing
if only because
you were your own man.

I could write about your
kind heart
the many days that you gave that heart
to others in need of one
the sweetness of a kind act
giving up a day off in the sunshine so that
kids in the Barretts might catch a ray

I could write about your conviction
your passion for
the dreams you carried so tenderly
like a small frog in the pocket of a child
who just discovered its greenness
the pages and pages of notes
taken copiously
as you envisioned Iron Tracks
free of "C' hats, full of basketball games
and old men talking longingly
shooting the breeze about days long gone

But these words, wouldn't do you justice.

Simple characters never do.

What can kind of character can make a word like:

Father, faithful?
friend, fierce?
officer, exceptional?
brother, bonded?

What kind of a word can
warm the hearts of so many

with simply, a smile?

And what kind of word is the word brother, really?
Seven short, unceremonious letters
used to describe a man
of simple heart,
but great character.

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