Bradley Alan Moody - Online Memorial Website

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Bradley Moody
Born in Hawaii
29 years
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R. Vazquez Police Officer/Academy Friend October 10, 2008

I got the news Saturday morning. I did not know what to say or think, it all felt like a dream. The first thing that came to mind were our academy days. All the good time during PT. When  I got home from work sunday I looked for our academy video. It was difficult to watch but I am glad I did. I know we lost touch after graduation, but I always asked how you were doing. Now you are gone and the world will miss one great cop and friend. They always say God takes the good ones. God bless you and your family Brad...You and your family will alway be in my prayers.


143rd Academy Class!!!!



Dave Longacre RPD October 10, 2008
My condolences to the Moody Family. Brad came into the department about a year after I did. I unfortunately never had an opportunity to work with him or get to know him. I knew that he was admired by his peers for being a dedicated and professional police officer who stood out among our younger officers. Our department will surely miss him.
Tammy Parker Deputy October 9, 2008

Spiritual Law of the Day:

Law of Karma...Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in the like kind.  Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success to you.

Quote of the day

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face...You must do the thing you cannot do"  -- Eleanor Roosevelt 

Heaven just got another one of our finest.  Because of the actions during his "tour of duty" the hearts and lives of so many people were touched 

and filled with hope.

Mecklenburg County Sheriff Office

Charlotte, NC


Bridgette & Matt Whitehead High school classmates October 9, 2008

It is touching to see the impact that one individual had on so many lives. I've cried in reading the touching stories of all that had the pleasure of working and being with Brad on a daily basis. We knew him briefly in high school and when the news arrived to us in Texas of Brad's passing, I knew exactly who he was without question and was instantly saddened. It has been well over 10 years since we last saw Brad, but the fact that we remembered him shows the impact that he made in everyone's life. 


Susan, I 've never met you, but your story is moving. The pictures of you and your beautiful family bring me to tears. I couldn't imagine a world where my daughter would grow without her father and I without my husband as I'm sure you couldn't either..Yet your message was strong, faithful, and hopeful. 


You have a lot of support from those who care for you. Just know that prayers are being sent to you, your family, and Brad's family from all over the world.  Brad's message of courage and honor has been spread to all who have been touched by his presence at some point in his life.


Be strong, put your faith in God, and all will be as it should.


In deepest sympathy,

Bridgette Pichardo & Matt Whitehead

Joanne (Campo) Burgess US Air Force October 9, 2008

To the Moody family, I am truly sorry for your loss...Please know that your family will be in thought and prayer, and may God hold you in his hands in your time of need.


Joanne Burgess & family

Kelly Skalko A friend of Jamie Moody October 9, 2008

Hello ~


I heard from my brother this week about the tragedy that involved Brad over the weekend. While I didn't know Brad well, I was good friends with his brother Jamie in high school and I know that he and his brother were very close. I just wanted to take a moment to pass along my condolences and to let the Moody family know that I am keeping them in my thoughts and prayers during this extremely dififcult time.


With deepest sympathy,

Kelly Skalko

Pam Gabrielson Mom of an Officer October 9, 2008
My heart goes out to Brad's family and friends. My son is an Officer in Rocklin Ca. My worst fear is lossing him. Please keep him a live in your hearts. God Bless all men and women In Law Enforcement.
Aaron Edens Detective Hayward PD October 9, 2008
Words can not express the sorrow I feel for the loss of a brother officer and fellow academy graduate.  It does not seem too long ago that we were standing for inspection or trying to stay awake during class.  My heart goes out to Brad's family and friends and all of the members of the Richmond Police Department. 

Rest in peace.
Sharon Cowart-Ross Richmond Native October 9, 2008
Dear Brad, and Family:

I didn't know you or your family, but I feel a profound sense of sadness for your family and the City of Richmond.  I left Richmond years ago when a dear friend of mine was murdered and to be honest, I really haven't been back there since.  I had no idea that we had such wonderful people protecting the streets of the iron triangle and Richmond.  You all sound like one big family--something a lot of people would love to have.  I'm so very sorry we lost Brad, GOD knows we need a lot more like him.  Sometimes, I wonder how a person's number is chosen.

I want to say to you, Brad and to your wonderful and selfless wife and beautiful children "THANK YOU"  for giving of yourselves so graciously. May GOD bless and keep the Moody family and  sustain you until  you see Brad again.  You WILL see him again!

Love, Sharon Cowart-Ross
Christian Sturdevant Officer Stockton Police Dept. October 9, 2008

To the Moody Family,


Our thoughts and prayers go out to you all as well as the whole RPD family.  As a fellow brother in blue, I know that Brad is up in heaven watching down and will continue to watch down and protect all of us. 


Rest in peace Brother

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