Bradley Alan Moody - Online Memorial Website

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Bradley Moody
Born in Hawaii
29 years
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Elizabeth Hurtado Hurtado Family October 13, 2008
Our fathers worked together when they were in the service, I have many fond memories of Squadron Xmas parties, etc.   I hope you are in a better place and that you did not suffer.  I will always remember your smile and those dimples.  We wish your wife, your daughters and your family all of the best.  You all are in our thoughts and prayers.  You will be missed.
Matt Froewiss Old Friend October 12, 2008

Brad was such a good friend - from the time we met in 1st grade and all the way through 8th. Everyone thought we were brothers.  I can't believe you are gone, man. If I could talk with you one more time I would tell you thank you. Thanks for always being there for me. For all the good times at Center, Golden West and expecially in sports. Remember the rainy football game at St. Helena? We were soaked and had to strip to our underwear before Dad let us in the car. We laughed so hard. It was great. Most of all, thanks for always having my back and trying to show me the right way. I'm not surprised at how much you gave to family and community - always knew you would. Thanks for everything.

To Jim, Betty, Jamie and Jenny - thank you too for always making me a part of your family - so many good times.  I am so sorry for your loss.


Jennifer & Shawn Knutson Neighbor October 11, 2008
Dear Susan and Family, You don't know us...but we live just around the corner from you. So many times I have wanted to stop by and tell the both of you what a beautiful home you have made with so much hard work. I wish I would have so we would have been able to meet you under better circumstances. Our hearts ache for you and your girls and your extended family. I hope you find strength in each other. I hope your heartache turns to peace someday in knowing that your husband is watching over you and your precious girls. If there is EVER anything I can do for you, please let me know. ( I wrote my number on the back of the card I dropped off). God Bless you and God Bless the police officers whose heart are hurting for their fellow brother. With loving thoughts and prayers, Jennifer & Shawn
Randy Gregson Thank You October 11, 2008

I first met Brad several years ago when he responded as cover for me.  My cover was several minutes away, but Brad was there within seconds.  This would happen a couple of more times over the years.  I always thanked him and he would say, "anytime".


I was at John Muir the evening of his accident.  I wanted to tell him thank you one last time, but I had to leave to cover one of my officers.  How ironic. 


Brad, thanks again for being there when I needed it.  My thoughts and prayers are with your family and the Richmond Police Department.  Rest easy Brother!

Sgt. Randy Gregson, BART PD

Coriann Denzer-Moody Ocean Shores Washington October 11, 2008

I know that you do not know me susan But I felt I needed to extend my hand and heart in love and freinship and tell you how sorry I am for your loss!!!I did not know bradley but knew of him, his father is my uncle-and I know how proud my uncle jimmy was of his children-as he should be-I just want you to know if there is anything I can do to help you and your family thur this time-do not hesitate to call on me-even if it is just someone to talk too.God bless you and your children and again we are so sorry for your loss!!!just know he is watching over you always.


Coriann Denzer-Moody

David & Lavetra Parker Riverview, FL October 11, 2008

The the Moody family,  we were your neighbors at Travis AFB on Eaker street many years ago. our sons played with Bradley and James and we saw your daughter many times in her cheerleading outfits.  Our hearts and our prayers go to your entire family during this loss.  We will continue to lift you all up in our prayers for strength, peace and direction.


May God wrap you all in His arms of love always.


David & Lavetra Parker

Michael, Eric,Casey & Nicholas

Someone's Mom Mom October 11, 2008
I didn't know Brad personally, but one of my sons at one time shared a house with him and other RPOs. My son is struggling within his heart as to what to say on this website. My son is no longer a police officer, but that doesn't make the past go away. Maybe it even brings it back into focus for all the right reasons. We meet alot of people along our path of life. But we remember few! My greatest condolences to Brad's wife, children, extended family and friends. Brad obviously was a great man, a sincere friend, and an outstanding police officer in reference to all the positive and emotional output from the community. I pray for another "Brad" to come along who leaves such an impression on everyone, but most of all, his fellow my son. From one of your fellow officer"s Moms...thank you for being in my son's life if only for a short while. You did your job by staying in his memories, and most important in his heart...God's arms reached out to you upon your entry to heaven, I am sure. He said " well done My Son!"
Cori Stupak-Vetter An old Friend October 11, 2008

I've been putting this off because I simply don't know what to say. Brad and I were so close for so many years. I always saw a shining star when I looked at Brad. I knew, from a very young age that he was special. I cherish the times we spent together, and though we drifted apart, I am confident that he knew how much I loved him. I'll always remember our high school graduation day when, after months of not speaking, we both said we were sorry and shared a hug. That's how I'll always remember him, happy, excited to start the next chapter of his life. From what I've read, he did do the great things I always knew he would. I'm so happy for the Moody family that their children, not only Brad, but Jamie and Jenny as well, have touched so many lives and done such great things. Jim and Betty, what can I are wonderful, that evidence is shown in the smiles of your children. I miss you guys.


Susan, I know you are going through an unspeakable tragedy. Lean on your family, Jim, Betty, Jamie and Jenny. I know they'll be there for you and your girls forever. I send you my deepest sympathy. Please kiss your beautiful girls and let them know that an old friend of their dad's thinks they're the most beautiful little girls in the world. Take care of yourself and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


With a heavy heart,



Kelli Richer SPPD Officer October 11, 2008



We met on several occasions, mostly after working a perimeter or a pursuit. You covered my tail a few times and were always on your toes. You worked with my husband Robert at K-9 training  and 2 Thursdays ago he came home complaining that you sent Rico on him for a bite...He showed me his finger where Rico got him through the sleeve. Lol...we both wish we had one more minute to take that bite from Rico....or to have you cover us on the street. I remember RPD set up on a perimeter for a 459 in our city. The suspect was inside the house but a crowd had formed nearby. A little tiny lady walked onto the grass with her asked her to step aside...out of no where she punched you in the face and knocked your glasses were shocked...we all gave you hell for that...the last time i saw you...i reminded you and you just showed me that big goofy grin!!! I was working the morning of your accident, i heard that panic in EVERYONE's voices. i was calling our k-9 guys and crying my eyes out. We all loved you so much...if you only knew how much every one valued and loved you. Im so sorry you were taken so soon. I cannot imagine the pain and heartache Susan is feeling rite now...My heart, tears and prayers go out to her and the girls. Brad, just know that your brothers and sisters will be here doing what you did best, loving this job just as you loved it...Fearing no felon...In your honor...until we are also 49 to your 20.



Lane milde MVPD October 11, 2008



Although I didn't know you for long, I will remember the times we had.  I still remember when I was in the Police Academy, and you invited me over and said you wanted to share a beer with one of your future Law Enforcement brothers.  And when we helped Purcell move, (That was fun!!!!!!!!)  You will be missed and I will always think of you as one of my brothers.


My prayers are with you and your family.


Milde #203

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