Bradley Alan Moody - Online Memorial Website

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Bradley Moody
Born in Hawaii
29 years
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Police Officer Bloomington, IL PD October 7, 2008
Another sad day for our brothers across the country who dedicate their lives to helping others.  Our condolences and prayers go out to the family and friends of Officer Bradley Moody and to the Richmond Police Department.
Harriet Salarno Chair, Crime Victims United of California October 7, 2008
I wish to express our deepest condolences to the Moody family and the Richmond Police Department.  We greatly appreciate the sacrafices made by the men and women of law enforcement, even unto the ultimate sacrafice.  We pray for the family and department during this difficult time.
Joel Bryden Chief of Police October 7, 2008

To Officer Moody’s family and our extended family at the Richmond Police Department;


Our families at the Walnut Creek Police Department want to extend our deepest condolences to all of you.  Brad is truly a hero and will be remembered by all of us for his heroic actions taken in a profession seldom recognized and acknowledged for its’ inherent risks.


Words can seldom express one’s loss at a time like this, but we want to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.



Nancy Bepler Friend of Susan October 7, 2008
I am sending my deepest condolences to Susan, the girls and all family and friends of Brad.  I have known Susan since she was a little girl, however, I never had the honor of meeting Brad.  I could see the love this family had for one another in all of their pictures.  Truly, one beautiful family.  I wish I could take way all the pain and misunderstanding that you are going thru right now.  I just wanted to say that I am thinking about you and praying for you daily.  Susan you are such a strong person, stay strong girl.  I am here for you anytime, always.  I love you.
Brian Watley & Pat Monahan Sacramento Area Firefighters October 7, 2008

To Brads precious family and extended family at Richmond PD.  It is with heavy hearts we want you to except our condolences on the loss of a "Brother In Arms".  Gods Speed Brad!!!!

Respectfully,  Brian Watley and Pat Monahan-  Sacramento Area Firefighters Local 522


Grover Beach PD (CA) Ofc October 7, 2008
"Freedom requires a sacrifice the protected will never know"

Shenuca Huertas Middle/High School Friends October 7, 2008

Today is a sad day for me. Brad and myself went to Golden West middle school and Vanden High school together. We all tried our best to be kind to each other but Brad was the one who never treated anyone in a wrong way. He was a very genuine person and even though we were young I still remember him. I pray that GOD works with your family's hearts and understand that he is loved and will be missed. I hate that we all grow up and move on with our lives and never get to contact someone until it's to late.... I will miss you and please GOD protect his family. We all will miss you Brad.



Bill and I live around the corner from you.  We have seen you and Brad walking with the girls many times. You would always smile and say hello to us.

We just want to tell you how deeply sorry we are for you and the girls.

Mariel Byrne Sister in Law October 7, 2008
Brad, Easter will never be the same without you! Now we can get more eggs.. haha. We will keep your spirit alive each and every year and continue to honor you! I will be with Susan and the girls every step of the way. I rocked Emma to sleep today and couldn't put her down. All I thought of was how much you will be missed. There's not a moment that goes by that I don't think of you. Love you!
Richard Veluz Police Officer II Guam Police Dept. October 7, 2008

My condolences and prayers go out to the family and friends of Officer Bradley Moody and to the Richmond Police Department.  R.I. P. OFFICER MOODY, YOU WILL BE MISSED.


A fellow Officer,

Richard Veluz, Guam P.D.

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