Bradley Alan Moody - Online Memorial Website

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Bradley Moody
Born in Hawaii
29 years
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Kim tears this morning... October 14, 2008

I did not know Officer Moody, but had heard about this tragic story.  This morning on my way to work, traveling from Vacaville on Hwy 80 to Napa, I wondered why the heavy traffic.  Then I passed six motorcyle police officers from Oak Grove traveling in the same direction, side by side.  I then put two and two together and remembered hearing that his funeral was today.  A few minutes later, traffic slowed even more, then going the opposite direction, hundreds of beautiful lights were coming toward me.  It seemed like hundreds of police officers with their flashing lights on were following eachother closely in the fast lane...tears formed in my eyes.  Although I did not know this man, I truly felt the love and respect of his fellow officers from all over as they made the journey to follow him to his memorial in Concord. 


God bless everyone who knew and loved him. 


Kim (Vacaville)

Deputy Sheriff EDSO October 14, 2008

Today Officer Brad Moody will be honored for the man, father, husband, son, brother, and amazing peace officer that he was.  I never had the great fortune to meet Ofc. Moody, nor did I have the honor of working with him.  I too work as a police officer and Ofc. Moody's death has hit me and my agency hard. 


By looking at Ofc. Moody's photos that his amazing family, friends and his extended RPD family have left on this site I can tell what a wonderful person Brad was.  I can also tell that he was very well respected, admired and most of all loved by so many. 


Myself and my agency has all of Ofc. Moody's friends, family and co-workers in our thoughts and prayers as you begin to deal with your loss.  You have all lost a legacy that has left big shoes to fill.  Don't try to fill them, stand by them and remember Brad is with each and everyone of you.


Susan, your grace and strength shows termendously through your letter that you have posted on this site.  Your love for Brad and your girls can be detected in every single word you wrote.  There are no words that I could say that will make this any better for you and for that I am deeply sorry.  Brad is with you and always will be.  He will forever have that huge adorable smile that you and the girls have placed on his face.  You grils are his legacy! 


One more thing, please know that you are now and always will be part of our law enforcement family.  If you or the girls ever need anything don't EVER hesitate to ask any of your fellow brothers and sisters in uniform.


May God Bless the Moody Family!


Brad- You have left imprint on so many people, no one will ever be able to feel your shoes.  Job well done Sir!  Rest easy brother, we have the watch now! 



Jennifer Huff (aka Coach Q) Past Coach of Jenny October 14, 2008

Jenny, Susan and Moody Family,

No words can express how sorry I am for you loss. May you all find strength in the memories of Brad and may they help you thru the difficult time. My heart goes out to your family and friends and all of the members of the Richmond Police Department. 

God Bless!

Sharon Marangoni Retired BPD and wife of BPD officer October 14, 2008
Dear Officer Moody,
We did not know you but we have the utmost respect for the job that you did in a tough city. According to the news accounts even the people you arrested had a lot of respect for your integrity and professionalism. That speaks volumes to your work ethic and how you deal with people! Both Jim and I would have been proud to know and to work with you and your partner. God Speed, Officer Moody. You and your beautiful family and your friends are in our prayers.
Sharon and Jim Marangoni
Novato Police A Prayer October 14, 2008

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,

grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled

as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Christopher Carroll My life with the Moodys October 14, 2008
  Brad Moody was my first best friend. I'd say almost inseperable from the time I was 8 until I attended Vanden High School. I spent almost every second of the day with this kid. We were neigbors on Base, neigbors in Suisun, and neigbors in Vacaville. I remember getting rides to and from school EVERYDAY in the Astro Van with little Jenny Moody and her sassy attitude singing songs on the radio. There was Mrs. Moody, always the nicest lady in the world and the Mother you wished you had. After school she would take Brad and I to either Football or Baseball practice. Rides home from Wrestling practice. I remember Mr Moody always cool as can be. Late night paper route trips... again in the Astro Van...I remember him having a hard time waking up Brad to help with the route. Mr Moody always made you feel like his little buddy, and the father you wished you had.  Jaime, a great big brother, and I knew Brad wanted to be just like him. The Moodys are the most generous, fun loving family that carry a tightness with each other that is envious. To the Moodys, your family left a positive imprint on my childhood that will NEVER EVER be forgotten. Brad will always live on in my memories just as he has my whole life, and just as he will live on in the memories of EVERYBODY that crossed paths with his life. Everyone knows how great this kid was. I will miss you soooo much brother.
FBI Oakland October 14, 2008


    Our hearts and prayers go out to Brad's family and the Richmond Police Department. 

Jim & Georgine Froewiss Old friends October 14, 2008

Jim, Betty, Jamie, Jenny, Susan, Maddy & Emma,

It doesn't seem possible that we are sending this message to convey our sorrow. You already know how special Brad was  - everyone's friend, a leader, an example for all and oh, that beautiful smile.  We remember him fondly as so many others do. We hope the thoughts and prayers of others and knowing that he touched so many lives will help comfort and give you strength. 

Love & Prayers,

Jim & Georgine



Robert Duvall Deputy Sheriff October 13, 2008

After working in the Public Safety field for 20 years, the loss of a fellow officer never seems like it is real. I met Brad only a few times but I saw that fire in his eyes, a true passion for being a Police Officer. Brads parents live on my street and I remember talking to him for the first time there.  We talked about what we did and how much we loved it.


As a Christian Police Officer, I believe that God must have needed him up there and that is why he called him. Matthew 5 v6 says" BLEASSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS, FOR THEY WILL BE LIKE THE SON OF GOD".


I dont know what else to say except that the law enforcement family will be there for Brads family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.


God Bless

Deputy Coroner

Robert Duvall

Teresa Fraticelli Thank You October 13, 2008

Although I didn't know Officer Moody personally, I want to sent out my condolences to all that were lucky enough to have been touch by him.  I live in the Bay Area and am grateful for all Officers who put their lives on the lines everyday to make our lives safer.


My prayers are with you and your family. 

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